Go green, go Irish! My St Patrick’s week menu ideas

With Saint Patrick’s Day coming up, I’m planning on celebrating with all sorts of weird and wonderful green dishes next week. That means I’m going to be buying the big box of fresh spinach from Costco as my “food coloring” since I like to steer clear of the artificial stuff. It’s not every day that you can get away with green food being cool, so I’m taking advantage of it while I can. After all, sometimes it is easy being green.

Green Applesauce: Blend raw or lightly steamed spinach into applesauce in about a 1:3 ratio fresh or 1:5 cooked

Split Pea Soup: I love adding a little cumin to the recipe on the bag

Spinach Soup:  There’s a great recipe in my Gourmet Today cookbook as well as on the dani spies website.  I think the fresh tastes better, but the frozen is pretty good and way cheaper.

Green Smoothie:  sounds weird, looks weird, tastes great!  Seriously.  Blend pineapple, applesauce, frozen oranges, a handful of spinach, and some milk, almond milk, or yogurt.  Add a dash of sugar if you want to sweeten it up a little more.

Kale chips, steamed broccoli, and peas for my little Sweetpea are also on the menu, but they have become pretty standard fare around our house.

And, of course, green cabbage with our corned beef.  Because we have to celebrate St. Patty’s Day with some traditional foods too in honor of my Irish husband 😉

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